Virginia 2000 State Quarter:
A Journey through History with Iconic Colonial Landmarks
The 2000 Virginia State Quarter features a depiction of the three ships that brought the first English settlers to Jamestown, the Susan Constant, the Godspeed, and the Discovery.
The 2000 Virginia State Quarter features images of Susan Constant, Godspeed, and Discovery which are the three ships that brought the first English settlers to Jamestown. They embarked on an eight-month voyage, representing the Virginia Company’s endeavor to colonize the New World. Their arrival at Jamestown marked the establishment of Virginia’s first settlement. Furthermore, the coin bears the inscription “1607-2007” above the ships, commemorating Jamestown’s Quadricentennial founding.
The 2000 Virginia State Quarter was the 10th coin released in the Statehood Quarters program and the final State Quarter of 2000.

7. New Hampshire
NEXT Quarter
9. New York